Physiotherapy Sonja Soeder
located at the German Pelvic Floor Center in the St. Hedwig Hospital.

which is our partner since 2005

Dear patients and colleague’s,

Welcome to Sonja Soeder Physiotherapy at the German Pelvic Floor Center at St. Hedwig Hospital.

I have had my own practice since 2001, since 1988 as a physiotherapist and since 1999 as a manual therapist in Germany and Great Britain.

In 2004 I met Prof. Tunn and the newly founded German Pelvic Floor Center in the St. Hedwig Hospital. On July 1, 2005, I opened my second practice Physiotherapy Sonja Soeder at the German Pelvic Floor Center, which was established as a cooperation partner in the St. Hedwig Hospital.

In 2013 I gave up my practice at Wittenbergplatz to intensify my work in the interdisciplinary team of the German Pelvic Floor Center.

This is reflected in the prepared pelvic floor conference, joint studies but especially in the interdisciplinary therapy of the patients.

Active participation at national and international congresses ensures quality which guaranties a therapy, that is performed at the highest standards.

Every patient is unique. Therefore an individual therapy can only take place after the physiotherapeutic diagnosis as well as the medical and social anamnesis in feedback with the patient.

For me, the work in the interprofessional team is part of the basis of the therapy, because the mutual exchange enriches us with different approaches and perceptions and brings back the success of the therapy and ultimately the quality of a better life for our patients.

Öffnungszeiten ab 2025:

Physiotherapy Sonja Soeder located at the German Pelvic Floor Center in the St. Hedwig Hospital.

  • Pelvic floor check
  • Individual therapy
  • Closed rooms to protect privacy
  • National and international interprofessional networking
  • Conducting scientific studies
  • Active participation at national and international congresses
  • Organization and implementation of training courses and events for physiotherapists, doctors, midwives and medical professionals
  • All therapies in German and English


Sandra Astruga
Physiotherapeutin B.Sc. 
Beckenbodentherapeutin mit internationaler Spezialisierung in  Spanien (Madrid)
Sprachen: Deutsch, Spanisch, Englisch
Janine Groth 
Praxis Management 
Erfahren in Projektleitung und Organisation
Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch 

Christine Tings

Physiotherapeutin B.Sc., Management und
Qualitätsentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen M.Sc. Pilates-Instructor
PhysioPelvica-Therapeutin, Sprachen: deutsch und englisch


Here you can find an overview of the services I offer

Pelvic floor therapy

for women, men and children. The pelvis and pelvic floor around pregnancy. Pelvic floor pain in both men and women.


Low frequency, medium frequency, pelvic floor EMS training, therapeutic ultrasound


EMG, Acticore, Rehabilitative Ultrasound

Pelvicfloor check

Status der Beckenbodenmuskulatur mit Ultraschall und Therapie- und Trainingsplan

Heat therapy

Hot air, hot roll, heat pack

Manual visceral techniques


Punktgenaue Diagnostik und Therapie; Darstellung der Beckenbodenmuskeln im EMG_Biofeedback mit Funktionsanalyse und muskulärer Diagnostik

Trigger point treatment

Pelvic floor trigger point diagnostics and therapy

Kinesio Tape

Manual therapy



Fascia training

Galileo vibration plate

Acticore rental service 4 Wochen 60 € incl. Online Betreuung oder Kauf 385 € mit Einweisung

Support during pregnancy


Die muskuläre Diagnostik erfolgt über Ultarschall, eine Haltungs-- und Muakelanalyse wird durchgeführt, sowie ein individueller Trainingsplan erstellt


Yes, with a correct and valid prescription for medicinal products.

Yes, with a correct and valid prescription for medicinal products.

Yes, with the correct prescription for medicinal products at the rate you have chosen.

Als sektorale Heilpraktikerin für Physiotherapie können sie ohne vorherigen Arztbesuch direkt zur mir zur Physiotherapie, muskulären Diagnostik oder Prävention kommen

Go to the menu item make an appointment and send the completed documents to, we will contact you within a week to make an appointment.

Ihre Befunde und die gültige und korrekte Heilmittelverordnung, als Selbstzahler:in können Sie mit EC oder Kreditkarte bezahlen

An anamnesis discussion takes place, in which the current symptoms are also taken into account. You will receive information about the anatomy and the physiological processes. A therapy plan will be discussed, behavioral patterns will be discussed, you will create a micturition protocol and determine the strength of the pelvic floor with endurance and coordination by means of vaginal or rectal palpation or ultrasound or biofeedback. This is followed by perception exercises, strengthening or coordination exercises, depending on the status. Occasionally, a gait analysis or a movement analysis of the spine or pelvis is necessary. Please keep in mind that the entire therapy usually lasts 6-9 months. However, you do not have to come to us on a weekly basis, you will always be given time slots with exercise blocks, which you can carry out at home with or without aids.

Präventiv, während der Schwangerschaft, nach der Entbindung vor dem Rückbildungskurs, zur Übungskontrolle, prä- oder postoperativ, für Männer und Frauen als Test der funktionellen Aktivität ihrer Beckenbodenmuskulatur. Entweder als Komplett-Check mit vaginaler oder rektaler Muskelfunktionsprüfung (180 € incl. Gespräch und Therapieoption, 40 – 60 min) oder nur mit dem perinealen Ultraschall als für sie sichtbares Biofeedbackinstrument (90€ incl. Gespräch und Therapieempfehlung, 20 min). 

Ab Mai 2022 können Sie über die Homepage einen Online Rückbildungskurs buchen

The pelvic floor forms the stable middle between the torso and legs. You know this term from Pilates or Yoga. Injuries to the leg or dysfunction of the spine or pregnancy can disturb this balance and this is reflected in the gait pattern.

Yes, I offer two types of observation. A chargeable patient is ordered here, these case studies are discussed before and after, or a free one. They can simply experience a day live.

Begrüßung Deutsch

Greeting English

I would now like to introduce you to my premises vorstellen:

The Physiotherapy takes place in a closed room. Your privacy is preserved in this way.

All rooms are equipped with rehabilitation ultrasound and modern electrotherapy.

We will discuss your concerns with you at your desk, and the documentation will be carried out electronically.

Tea, coffee and water are available for you free of charge in the registration and waiting area.

pictures of the practice


The perfect therapy for you

Many of my patients tell us about long and severe suffering caused by various diseases. In many of these cases, I was able to restore the quality of life that I thought was lost by taking appropriate measures.

I would be happy to advise you let me take care of you with physiotherapy or manual therapy.

Therapy examples


Pelvic floor pain Patient

Detailed anamnesis according to ICF criteria, manual examination for muscular pain or trigger points, manual therapeutic examination, selection of electrotherapy, creation of a therapy plan


I also offer the Wise Anderson concept for pelvic floor pain.


Assessment, congestion assessment of the pelvic floor muscles, perception, coordination or strength is trained according to the muscle findings. This is done using electrotherapy and biofeedback. Here, too, you will receive the right home device for you if indicated. Over time, you will learn additional exercises that you can do at home.


Muscles have the ability to compensate for many functional disorders. If muscular or functional deficits exist for too long, so-called trigger points arise, often noticeable as punctual tension. A distinction is made among other things between active and passive trigger points. Active trigger points not only show local pressure sensitivity, but also pain points in the regions assigned to them. These relationships need to be identified and treated.

Webinar BB

It has been possible to book various webinars since February 15th.

Duration 20-30 min, costs per webinar € 12

 You then have the opportunity to watch the webinar alone for 2 weeks.


  1. Pelvic floor anatomy and organs in the female pelvis 
  2. Pelvic floor antomy and organs in the man's pelvis
  3. chronic pelvic floor pain: physiotherapeutic therapeutic approach

Training Zuhause, Leihservice 60 €, siehe Online-Angebote


Precise diagnosis and therapy with the MAPLe probe, since August 2016 I have been working as the first German practice with the probe developed in Leiden, the Netherlands, and have treated over 150 patients with this system and published my experiences at national and international congresses. Information under Below you can see a precise result with the resting potential, fast and persistent tension, the aim is to harmonize the pelvic floor tone and to train the muscles accordingly in terms of strength, coordination and endurance, this is also possible with pinpoint accuracy. It is a private benefit that is covered by private health insurance and the allowance. The probe is personal and costs € 120 once. A therapy unit lasts 40 - 60 minutes and includes diagnostics and therapy.


Due to the static changes during pregnancy, known symptoms can manifest themselves, the stability of the abdominal wall is often lacking and the ileo-sacral joint becomes unstable. Pain arises, through targeted posture training, aids such as a lap belt and special exercises, these complaints can be reduced or eliminated.

The diastasis recti is a lack of muscular and connective tissue occlusion of the anterior trunk. Targeted functional abdominal muscle training is indicated here in combination with behavioral training, and is often associated with WS complaints and segmental instability.

Likewise, look for trigger points in the rectus abdomines muscle and treat them. The exercises can be controlled with the help of the rehabilitative ultrasound at your request.

Visceral trigger point therapy and fascia mobilization with the Physio Boost or trigger mobilization device. Both devices have different frequency settings in order to painlessly release fascia adhesions or trigger points. Perfect preparation of the connective tissue or muscular structures before performing perception exercises or targeted strengthening

The three-dimensionally moving Galileo vibration slit causes muscle contractions throughout the body. By choosing the exercise position, certain muscle groups are preferred. The starting position can be sitting, standing or crouching. Especially after a long period of inactivity or in the recovery phase after giving birth, this targeted training is very efficient body stabilization and muscle training.


Biofeedback is the ability to control the correct local tension of the pelvic floor muscles. In daily training or perception training, it is important to know whether the tension is being carried out correctly. In my practice, the feedback is usually given at the beginning with ultrasound, vaginal or rectal palpation or with a probe. In the meantime, there are many aids on offer as motivation for home training. Often financed by health insurance companies. They often work via APPs. The prerequisite for this form of training is always the knowledge of the correct tension and sufficient strength, which must be trained appropriately in everyday life in endurance and coordination.

Assessment, explanation of the clinical picture, micturition and defecation with behavior modifications, creation of a micturition protocol, explanation of anatomy and start of electrotherapy with application for a home device suitable for you.

This often occurs during or after pregnancy. The instability causes complaints with certain movements and often when changing positions. Here too, in addition to a symphysis belt, targeted training of the pelvic floor and surrounding pelvic muscles should be carried out.

This period includes the preparation for the birth, the support during the pregnancy and the regression with a subsequent training phase. But also ergonomic advice when lifting and carrying, advice on putting on the sling or shoulder strap, posture, breastfeeding positions, relief postures during pregnancy, childbirth and with a child or children.

Elektrotherapie, Biofeedbacktraining, Unterstützung bei der Pessaranwendung.

Cooperation partner


Pelvic floor therapy

Der Beckenboden schließt das Becken nach unten ab und korrespondiert mit dem Zwerchfell und Schultergürtel/Mundboden. Dies bedeutet die Atmung und deren Beeinträchtigung kann sich auf den Beckenboden auswirken positiv wie negativ. Die Folge kann ein verspannter Beckenboden sein oder auch ein geschwächter. In der Beckenbodentherapie liegt der Fokus auf der Ursache der Funktionsstörung. Diese herauszufinden bedingt einen Beckenbodenstatus, welcher mittels vaginaler oder rektaler Untersuchung in Kraft, Ausdauer und Reaktion erstellt wird. Mit Hilfe von Biofeedbacktechniken (Ultraschall, Sonde, Acticore) kann dies für die Patientin sichtbar und nachvollziehbar dargestellt werden. Das Verständnis für die Anatomie und Funktion der Beckenbodenmuskulatur und der Organe im kleinen Becken beinhaltet einen wichtigen Baustein der Therapie. Sobald Wahrnehmung und korrekte Anspannung gesichert sind kann mit dem gezielten Training begonnen werden. Dies bedeutet die Anspannung mit der Entspannung in ein Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte mit Hilfe von manuellen Techniken, Elektrotherapie und Wärmetherapie mittels Ultraschall zu lösen und Selbsthilfetechniken zu lehren. Die Einbindung der Patient*in ist ein wichtiger Anteil zum Erfolg der Beckenbodentherapie.

Pelvic floor check

1/3 aller Frauen können den Beckenboden nicht aktiv anspannen, 1/3 nimmt die Bauchmuskulatur oder die Gesäßmuskulatur zu Hilfe und ein weiteres Drittel kann die Beckenbodenmuskulatur korrekt lokal aktivieren. Doch wo stehen Sie in Kraft, Ausdauer und Koordination. Der Beckenbodencheck bildet die Grundlage für die sportlichen Aktivitäten und vor einer geplanten Operation oder einer Schwangerschaft können Sie Defizite ausgleichen mit meinem individuellen Übungsprogramm für Sie.

Pelvic Therapist

Das Becken bildet die Körpermitte und sichert Stabilität. Bei Funktionsstörungen beispielsweise im Iliosakralgelenk oder im Hüftgelenk ist immer der Beckenboden um funktionellen und muskulären Ausgleich bemüht. Das kriminalistische Erforschen der Ursache ihrer Symptome fasziniert mich an meinem Beruf und fordert systematisches valides Vorgehen und eine genaue Anamnese. Meine gute Basis als zertifizierte Manualtherapeutin und der osteopathischen Weiterbildung insbesondere in visceralen Techniken, sowie die Mitarbeit in der Fascia Research Group in Ergänzung meiner Spezialfortbildungen im Beckenbodenbereich national und international sichern für Sie meine Fachkompetenz.